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Resolution vs. browser size vs. fixed or adaptive width
Roger Johansson of on the highly debated topic of screen resolution!
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An empty design portfolio, where to start?
How do you get a portfolio if the only way to build a portfolio is by having a portfolio? My advice is simple; start making stuff!
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My Favorite SEO Tasks
The team at SEOmoz highlight their 7 most favorite tasks when working with SEO
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User-generated Sites Define This Era of the Web
The overall trend is that user-generated content is the defining feature of all of the new top 15 site
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Web 3.0: A revolution comes to its end
Web 3.0 was said to be a technologically advanced Internet, where the user executes and the machines do the thinking
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SpellingCow instant spell checker
An instant spell checker for your site by just referencing an external JavaScript file.
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Anatomy of a Drag and Drop
The mechanics of a drag and drop are pretty interesting and most library implementations do similar things, albeit to various extents.
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CSS Styling For Print Media
There are many different media types that you can apply to CSS, some of which are more useful than others, and they let you specify the look, feel, or sound of the web page that is linked to the CSS files.
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Learning Illustrator CS2
What books or multi-media tutorials on Illustrator do you recommend?